Heather McCarthy, L.Ac, Dipl. O.M., graduated from the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Honolulu as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner. She received her Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and is certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the NCCAOM. Heather also studied in China attending clinic rounds at hospitals in Cheng Du and Guangzhou. Heather focuses on chronic illness, pain, and women’s health. Her top passion is healing patients with acupuncture, nutrition, and rife frequencies. Heather has studied both western and eastern nutrition and focuses mainly on Anthony William's Medical Medium information and advice regarding healing chronic illness.
When Heather is not in the clinic, she spends time mountain biking, hiking, snowboarding, meditating, painting, and playing piano.
I use sterile, single-use needles. Most of us are familiar with hypodermic needles, which are hollow and inject fluid into our bodies. Acupuncture needles are not hollow, there is no liquid, and the width is even smaller than a sewing needle. More information about needle size can be found at The Acuzone in their article, "Needle Size in Acupuncture." Also, please check out this needle size chart to see how small acupuncture needles really are.
Nutrition is highly important in your body's ability to heal. There are so many healing foods, herbs, and supplements that will help you on your healing journey. Most of us are experiencing symptoms that are caused by viruses. Fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety and more are all included as neurological symptoms based on viruses and toxins causing inflammation in the body. Please click 'More Info' to learn about how important nutrition is in improving your life.
Rife Frequencies
Everything living emits a frequency. Whether this is a human, a plant, an animal, or even a stone, we are all living vibrations of light and sound. In the early 20th century, a scientist named Royal Rife estimated that everything has a frequency to which it can be vulnerable. This led Rife to experiment at what frequency each known pathogen could be destroyed. He was then able to utilize these specific frequencies to kill pathogens without causing harm to the human body.
Areas of Dis-ease
I specialize in treating a variety of symptoms because most symptoms have a similar root cause. This allows the treatment to address a multitude of symptoms and diseases. Combining Acupuncture, Nutrition, and Rife Frequencies creates a Trinity of Healing that is powerful and can help you heal.
Chronic Illness
Women's Health
Get In Touch
Feel free to call me at (415) 246-6452
If I am not able to pick up, please leave me a voicemail.
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